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2025 Gala
Saturday, May 17, 2025

Frequently Asked Questions for Parents Helping Parents 2025 Gala Event

Is there a dress code?

The dress code for the gala is what we would call a "cut-above" business dress. We want everyone to be comfortable and have fun so we encourage attendees to dress comfortably but please no shorts, sneakers or jeans.

Will there be gluten-free food items? Vegan? Vegetarian?

Yes! We are committed to accommodating all dietary preferences. There will be a variety of gluten-free, vegan, and vegetarian options available to ensure that everyone can enjoy a delightful meal. However, for our planning purposes, it would be extremely helpful if you would please send an email to evelyn@php.com to let us know if you have any specific dietary restrictions that we should know. 

How long is the event?

The gala will last approximately five hours, starting at 5:30 PM and concluding around 10:30 PM. This includes a lively program with time for a buffet dinner, short award ceremony for the Heart of PHP and Building a Brighter Future awards winners, live auction and dancing.

What is the Heart of PHP Award?

The Heart of PHP Award is a special recognition given to individuals such as volunteers or staff within the Parents Helping Parents organization that have demonstrated exceptional commitment and service to supporting families in need. This award celebrates those who embody the spirit of compassion and community.

What is the Building Bright Futures Award?

The Building Bright Futures Award honors outstanding contributions to the development and well-being of families in our community. This award recognizes initiatives and organizations who have made a significant impact in creating positive change in our community.

Where does the money go that is raised at this event?

All proceeds from the gala will go directly to Parents Helping Parents programs and initiatives. This funding supports all of the FREE resources, workshops, and services designed to assist families in need, ensuring that we can continue to make a meaningful difference to parents, caregivers, families and professionals in our community regardless of their economic situation. 

Is there going to be an auction?

There will be a live auction on the day of the gala and there will also be an online silent auction that will run through Sunday evening, closing at 5 p.m. on Sunday May 18th, 2025.  

How can I get my auction items?

Winners will be notified and arrangements to pick up the auction items at our San Jose Parents Helping Parents office the following week will be made.

Is there a specific theme for the gala?

Yes! Fun! We want you to have a great time at the gala with friends and family.

Will there be parking available?

Yes! The Campbell  Community Center has its own parking lot. Parking is free.




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